MICO Platform  1.0.0
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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 Cis_proto_enum< ::mico::event::model::Implementation >
 Cis_proto_enum< ::mico::event::model::RegistrationType >
 NmicoLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License
 CAnalysisServiceInterface to be implemented by services
 CConsumerA helper class to simulate the Java RabbitMQ API for consumers
 CEventManagerExceptionThis exception is thrown by the event manager in case a method call failed
 CHTTPClientA simple HTTP client
 Curl_istreamMain type for opening an input stream to an URL for reading
 Curl_ostreamMain type for opening an output stream to an URL for writing
 CURLIStreambufA Boost Device implementation allowing read access to local and remote URLs
 CURLOStreambufA Boost Device implementation allowing write access to local and remote URLs
 CURLStreambufBaseBase class for Boost Device implementations allowing to access local (file://) and remote (ftp://, http://) URLs as stdio streams, similar to fstream
 CContentItemRepresentation of a ContentItem
 CContentItemMetadataSpecialised support for content item metadata of content item processing
 CExecutionMetadataSpecialised support for execution metadata of content item processing
 CMetadataA class offering access to RDF metadata through SPARQL
 CPersistenceMetadataSpecialised support for persistence service metadata
 CPersistenceServiceMain service for accessing the MICO persistence API
 CResultMetadataSpecialised support for result metadata of content item processing
 CBNodeRDF blank node, represented with an internal string identifier
 CDatatypeLiteralA literal with a datatype
 CLanguageLiteralA literal with a language tag
 CLiteralAn RDF literal consisting of a label (the value) and optionally a language tag or a datatype (but not both)
 CResourceThe supertype of all RDF resources (URIs and blank nodes)
 CStatementRepresentation of an RDF triple, consisting of subject, predicate and object
 CValueThe supertype of all RDF model objects (URIs, blank nodes and literals)
 CBooleanResultThe boolean result of a SPARQL ASK query
 CQueryResultAbstract base class for query results
 CSPARQLClientA class allowing to run SPARQL requests against a certain endpoint
 CTupleResultThe result of a SPARQL SELECT query