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mico::event::model::RegistrationEvent Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for mico::event::model::RegistrationEvent:

Public Member Functions

 RegistrationEvent (const RegistrationEvent &from)
RegistrationEventoperator= (const RegistrationEvent &from)
::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet & 
unknown_fields () const
inline::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet * mutable_unknown_fields ()
void Swap (RegistrationEvent *other)
RegistrationEventNew () const
void CopyFrom (const ::google::protobuf::Message &from)
void MergeFrom (const ::google::protobuf::Message &from)
void CopyFrom (const RegistrationEvent &from)
void MergeFrom (const RegistrationEvent &from)
void Clear ()
bool IsInitialized () const
int ByteSize () const
bool MergePartialFromCodedStream (::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream *input)
void SerializeWithCachedSizes (::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream *output) const
::google::protobuf::uint8 * SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray (::google::protobuf::uint8 *output) const
int GetCachedSize () const
::google::protobuf::Metadata GetMetadata () const
bool has_serviceid () const
void clear_serviceid ()
const ::std::string & serviceid () const
void set_serviceid (const ::std::string &value)
void set_serviceid (const char *value)
void set_serviceid (const char *value, size_t size)
inline::std::string * mutable_serviceid ()
inline::std::string * release_serviceid ()
void set_allocated_serviceid (::std::string *serviceid)
bool has_queuename () const
void clear_queuename ()
const ::std::string & queuename () const
void set_queuename (const ::std::string &value)
void set_queuename (const char *value)
void set_queuename (const char *value, size_t size)
inline::std::string * mutable_queuename ()
inline::std::string * release_queuename ()
void set_allocated_queuename (::std::string *queuename)
bool has_provides () const
void clear_provides ()
const ::std::string & provides () const
void set_provides (const ::std::string &value)
void set_provides (const char *value)
void set_provides (const char *value, size_t size)
inline::std::string * mutable_provides ()
inline::std::string * release_provides ()
void set_allocated_provides (::std::string *provides)
bool has_requires () const
void clear_requires ()
const ::std::string & requires () const
void set_requires (const ::std::string &value)
void set_requires (const char *value)
void set_requires (const char *value, size_t size)
inline::std::string * mutable_requires ()
inline::std::string * release_requires ()
void set_allocated_requires (::std::string *requires)
bool has_language () const
void clear_language ()
inline::mico::event::model::Implementation language () const
void set_language (::mico::event::model::Implementation value)
bool has_type () const
void clear_type ()
inline::mico::event::model::RegistrationType type () const
void set_type (::mico::event::model::RegistrationType value)

Static Public Member Functions

static const
::google::protobuf::Descriptor * 
descriptor ()
static const RegistrationEventdefault_instance ()

Static Public Attributes

static const int kServiceIdFieldNumber = 1
static const int kQueueNameFieldNumber = 2
static const int kProvidesFieldNumber = 3
static const int kRequiresFieldNumber = 4
static const int kLanguageFieldNumber = 5
static const int kTypeFieldNumber = 6


void protobuf_AddDesc_Event_2eproto ()
void protobuf_AssignDesc_Event_2eproto ()
void protobuf_ShutdownFile_Event_2eproto ()

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