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mico::rdf::model::Value Class Referenceabstract

The supertype of all RDF model objects (URIs, blank nodes and literals). More...

#include <rdf_model.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for mico::rdf::model::Value:
mico::rdf::model::Literal mico::rdf::model::Resource mico::rdf::model::DatatypeLiteral mico::rdf::model::LanguageLiteral mico::rdf::model::BNode mico::rdf::model::URI

Public Member Functions

virtual const std::string & stringValue () const =0
 Returns the String-value of a Value object. More...
virtual const ValueTypes getType () const =0
 Return type information (to avoid dynamic casts if possible)

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool equals (const Value &other) const =0
 Internal polymorphic implementation of equals and print.
virtual std::ostream & print (std::ostream &os) const =0


bool operator== (const Value &l, const Value &r)
bool operator!= (const Value &l, const Value &r)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, Value &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, Value *)

Detailed Description

The supertype of all RDF model objects (URIs, blank nodes and literals).

Member Function Documentation

virtual const std::string& mico::rdf::model::Value::stringValue ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the String-value of a Value object.

This returns either a Literal's label, a URI's URI or a BNode's ID.

Implemented in mico::rdf::model::Literal, mico::rdf::model::BNode, and mico::rdf::model::URI.

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