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mico::persistence::model::Resource Class Referenceabstract

Super type of items and parts. More...

#include <Resource.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for mico::persistence::model::Resource:
mico::persistence::model::ResourceAnno4cpp mico::persistence::model::ItemAnno4cpp mico::persistence::model::PartAnno4cpp

Public Member Functions

getURI ()=0
 Return the identifier (a unique URI) for this item. More...
virtual jnipp::Ref
< jnipp::eu::mico::platform::anno4j::model::ResourceMMM > 
getRDFObject ()=0
virtual std::string getSyntacticalType ()=0
 the mime type, e.g. More...
virtual void setSyntacticalType (std::string syntacticalType)=0
virtual std::string getSemanticType ()=0
virtual void setSemanticType (std::string semanticType)=0
virtual std::shared_ptr
< mico::persistence::model::Asset
getAsset ()=0
virtual std::shared_ptr
< mico::persistence::model::Asset
getAssetWithLocation (mico::persistence::model::URI)=0
virtual bool hasAsset ()=0
getPersistenceService ()=0

Detailed Description

Super type of items and parts.

Member Function Documentation

virtual std::string mico::persistence::model::Resource::getSyntacticalType ( )
pure virtual

the mime type, e.g.


Implemented in mico::persistence::model::ResourceAnno4cpp.

virtual mico::persistence::model::URI mico::persistence::model::Resource::getURI ( )
pure virtual

Return the identifier (a unique URI) for this item.

This URI will be based on the internal UUID of the content item in the platform.


Implemented in mico::persistence::model::ResourceAnno4cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: