Annotations are a modern concept that are generally used in order to further describe resources or associations between them. The supported information forms a metadata background about the given resource. In general, these resources are simple comments or tags about web pages or textual documents. The Web Annnotation Data Model specification defines a structured model and ways that enable users to construct and share those annotations between different hardware and software platforms.

The MICO Project (Media in Context) makes use of the concept of annotations in another context, as the project deals with the enrichment of multimedia items. The interplay of the media items and their enriched multimedia background promise to broaden the semantic utilisation of the items.

This specification is an addition to the core MICO Metadata Model specification. Enlisted are use case specific body- and target implementations, that have been developed during a use case utilising the MICO Metadata Model.

This specification is the second iteration of the metadata model for the MICO project. This is work in progress, so no section should be considered final. The absence of content does not imply that such a content is out of scope or may not appear in the future.

The produced model adapts core features from the Open Annotations Community Group's and Web Annotation Working Group's outcomes. Details and differences can be seen at respective instances in the specification, which enlists both the model items of the OA/WADM specification and the adapted MICO item.


Whereas the former Web mostly consisted of information represented in textual documents, nowadays the Web includes a huge number of multimedia documents like videos, photos, and audio. This enormous increase in volume in the private, and above all in the industry sector, makes it more and more difficult to find relevant information. Besides the pure management of multimedia documents, finding hidden semantics and interconnections of heterogeneous cross-media content is a crucial task and stays mostly untouched.

To overcome this tendency, the MICO Project defines a cross-media analysis platform, whose functionality ranges from extracting relevant features from media objects over to representing and publishing extraction results to integrated querying of aggregated findings. This specification defines the ontology that persisted data has to follow, forming the underlying foundation of the platform. The proposed model is based on existing ontologies, adapted and extended to the cross-media environment of the project. Its structure of the core information holder, the annotation, is adapted from the model proposed by the WAWG Group, while our model focuses on the recombination of the annotations, in order to generate a combined metadata analysis background of a given multimedia asset.

Aims of the Model

The primary aim of the model is to provide the means to represent a given multimedia item with its rich metadata background, consisting of different final and intermediary extraction results of autonomous extractors. A simple tree-like structure enhanced with provenance features and elements allows for easy (re-)use of the whole process result.

Extraction results are represented as an annotation, an entity that combines its semantical content with a refined description of its target. This structure is based on the simple architecture of the Web Annotation Data Group. However, our model only defines the structure to combine various different annotations, while the content of the annotation is extensible, so third parties can make use of the MICO model by integrating their own extractors and extraction results in the MICO environment.

Diagrams and Examples

The examples throughout the document are depicted by a picture, which is then serialized in [[!TURTLE]]. They do not represent specific use cases with real resources, but rather try to depict a certain feature of the specification.

Set of Current Bodies

The following section introduces the vocabulary of the extractors that are currently implemented in the MICO platform. More specifically, for every extractor, the corresponding annotation/content part structure, its bodies, and possible selection features will be covered. For the sake of clarity, the annotation will not be represented in an extraction workflow process, but only on its own. The selection information for a content part is supported, when the given extraction process selects only a subpart of its input.

For the implemented extractors we introduced an own ontology namespace mmmterms Mico Metadata Model Terms.

Speech To Text - STT

A speech to text analysis takes an audio file as input and finds the fragments of the audio stream containing words. The output is an XML file, listing an entry for every word and silent fractions.


mmmterms:STTBodyClassSubclass of mmm:Body. The body class for a speech to text body, containing a word. MUST have exactly one property rdf:value associated, containing the detected word.
mmmterms:STTSilenceBodyClassSubclass of mmm:Body. The body class for a speech to text body indicating silence.

shows an example of an annotation for a found word. The body contains the actual found word as a literal, the target is further specified by a TemporalFragmentSelector that selects a range of milliseconds.

Speech to text annotation


          <urn:p> a mmm:Part ; 
            mmm:hasBody <urn:body> ;
            mmm:hasTarget <urn:specres> .

          <urn:body> a mmmterms:STTBody ;
            rdf:value "word" .

          <urn:specres> a mmm:SpecificResource ;
            mmm:hasSelector <urn:selector> .

          <urn:selector> a oa:FragmentSelector ;
            rdf:value "t=npt:1.000,3.155" ;
            dcterms:conformsTo "" .

Temporal Video Segmentation - TVS

The Temporal Video Segmentation finds keyframes and shots in a video stream in order to split the whole video into meaningful smaller pieces. For a shot, the boundary frame at the start of the shot is also persisted as a seperate annotation.


mmmterms:TVSBodyClassSubclass of mmm:Body. Superclass for the temporal video segmentation bodies. MUST have a property mmmterms:hasConfidence associated, indicating the confidence of the recognized shot or keyframe.
mmmterms:TVSShotBodyClassSubclass of mmmterms:TVSBody. The body class for a shot of a temporal video segmentation.
mmmterms:TVSKeyFrameBodyClassSubclass of mmmterms:TVSBody. The body class for a keyframe of a temporal video segmentation.
mmmterms:TVSShotBoundaryFrameBodyClassSubclass of mmmterms:TVSBody. The body class for a shot boundary.
mmmterms:hasConfidencePropertyProperty of various mmm:Body instances. Specifies, how confident a party is in its supported result. Range is a literal typed with "^^xsd:double".

An example for a shot is shown in . A shot contains several frames, indicated by its temporal fragment.

Temporal video segmentation shot annotation


          <urn:p> a mmm:Part ; 
            mmm:hasBody <urn:body> ;
            mmm:hasTarget <urn:specres> .

          <urn:body> a mmmterms:TVSShotBody ;
            mmmterms:hasConfidence "0.7" .

          <urn:specres> a mmm:SpecificResource ;
            mmm:hasSelector <urn:selector> .

          <urn:selector> a oa:FragmentSelector ;
            rdf:value "t=npt:1.000,3.155" ;
            dcterms:conformsTo "" .

An example for a keyframe is shown in figure . Keyframes do only target one frame of the video, so the temporal fragment does only contain a short period, depending on the FPS value of the video.

Temporal video segmentation keyframe and shot boundary keyframe annotation


          <urn:p> a mmm:Part ; 
            mmm:hasBody <urn:body> ;
            mmm:hasTarget <urn:specres> .

          <urn:body> a mmmterms:TVSShotBoundaryFrameBody ;
            mmmterms:hasConfidence "0.7" .

          <urn:specres> a mmm:SpecificResource ;
            mmm:hasSelector <urn:selector> .

          <urn:selector> a oa:FragmentSelector ;
            rdf:value "t=npt:1.000,1.040" ;
            dcterms:conformsTo "" .

Face Detection - FD

Face detection extractors detect (not recognize) faces in pictures. The result is supported by a spatial oa:FragmentSelector, which indicates at which portion of the picture a face was detected, combined with a confidence value (mmmterms:hasConfidence property at body level).


mmmterms:FaceDetectionBodyClassSubclass of mmm:Body. The body class for a face detection. MUST have a property mmmterms:hasConfidence associated, indicating the confidence of the extractor.

The example in shows an exemplary mmm:Part which is created by a face detection extractor. In this case, the face was detected at a rectangular area, starting at pixel (200/150), with a width of 30 pixels and a height of 50 pixels.

Face detection annotation


          <urn:p> a mmm:Part ; 
            mmm:hasBody <urn:body> ;
            mmm:hasTarget <urn:specres> .

          <urn:body> a mmmterms:FaceDetectionBody ;
            mmmterms:hasConfidence "0.8" .

          <urn:specres> a mmm:SpecificResource ;
            mmm:hasSelector <urn:selector> .

          <urn:selector> a oa:FragmentSelector ;
            rdf:value "xywh=200,150,30,50" ;
            dcterms:conformsTo "" .

Animal Detection - AD

Animals are detected in pictures, and also kind of recognised, as a kind of the animal is also added via the rdf:value property. The confidence of the extractor is added via the property mmmterms:hasConfidence. A spatial oa:FragmentSelector indicates the position of the animal in the picture.


mmmterms:AnimalDetectionBodyClassSubclass of mmm:Body. The body class for a detected animal. MUST have a property mmmterms:hasConfidence associated, indicating the confidence of the extractor. MUST have a property rdf:value for the type of animal associated.

illustrates an exemplary mmm:Part fraction of a animal detection extractor. An "Elephant" (property rdf:value) has been detected in the rectangle starting at pixel (300/150) with a width of 50 pixels and a height of 70 pixels (indicated by the oa:Selector "selector"). The extractor is confident to 90%, indicated by the property mmmterms:hasConfidence.

Animal detection annotation


          <urn:p> a mmm:Part ; 
            mmm:hasBody <urn:body> ;
            mmm:hasTarget <urn:specres> .

          <urn:body> a mmmterms:AnimalDetectionBody ;
            mmmterms:hasConfidence "0.9" .

          <urn:specres> a mmm:SpecificResource ;
            mmm:hasSelector <urn:selector> .

          <urn:selector> a oa:FragmentSelector ;
            rdf:value "xywh=300,150,50,70" ;
            dcterms:conformsTo "" .

Fusepool Annotations

The Fusepool Annotation Model (FAM) defines several annotations for textual content. It supports user level annotations like named entities, topics, sentiment, as well as machine level annotations like tokens, POS tags, lemmas, or stems. For a detailed description of the model and its vocabulary elements, see the FAM specification. The Following annotations are added to the MICO ontology:

Language Annotation

A Language Annotation (fam:LanguageAnnotation) is used to annotate the language of the parsed content or even the language of a part of the parsed content.

FAM language annotation


          <urn:p> a mmm:Part ; 
            mmm:hasBody <urn:body> ;
            mmm:hasTarget <urn:specres> .

          <urn:body> a fam:LanguageAnnotation ;
            dct:language "en" ;
            fam:confidence "0.9" .

          <urn:specres> a mmm:SpecificResource ;

Entity Mention Annotation

An Entity Mention Annotation is typically used for results of Named Entity Recognition (NER) components. This annotation provides the mention and the type of the entity. It also expects a selector that marks the section of the text mentioning the entity. If an entity is mentioned multiple times in one text, the part for the annotation can contain multiple targets with respective selectors.

FAM entity mention annotation


          <urn:p> a mmm:Part ; 
            mmm:hasBody <urn:body> ;
            mmm:hasTarget <urn:specres> .

          <urn:body> a fam:EntityMention ;
            fam:entity-type dbo:Place ;
            fam:entity-mention "Salzburg"@en ;
            fam:confidence "0.9" .

          <urn:specres> a mmm:SpecificResource ;
            mmm:hasSelector <urn:selector> .

          <urn:selector> a oa:TextPositionSelector ;
            oa:start "20" ;
            oa:end "27" .

Linked Entity Annotation

In cases where the NER extractor has multiple linking options and can not disambiguate in-between them, it is possible to use the fam:EntityLinkingChoice annotation. In this case the extractor first creates a fam:EntityLinkingChoice for the mention and multiple fam:EntitySuggestion for the different linking options. The oa:item relationship is used to link between the choice instance and the multiple suggestions.

FAM entity linking choice annotation


          <urn:p> a mmm:Part ; 
            mmm:hasBody <urn:body> ;
            mmm:hasTarget <urn:specres> .

          <urn:body> a fam:LinkedEntityChoice ;
            fam:entity-type dbo:Place ;
            fam:entity-mention "Salzburg"@en ;
            fam:confidence "0.9" ;
            oa:item <urn:sugg1>, <urn:sugg2> .

          <urn:sugg1> a fam:EntitySuggestion ;
            fam:confidence "0.9" ;
            fam:entity-label "Salzburg"@en ;
            fam:entity-type dbo:Place ;
            fam:entity-reference <> .

          <urn:sugg2> a fam:EntitySuggestion ;
            fam:confidence "0.5" ;
            fam:entity-label "Salzburg"@en ;
            fam:entity-type dbo:Place ;
            fam:entity-reference <> .

          <urn:specres> a mmm:SpecificResource ;
            mmm:hasSelector <urn:selector> .

          <urn:selector> a oa:TextPositionSelector ;
            oa:start "20" ;
            oa:end "27" .

Topic Classification

A Topic Classification classifies the processed content along a classification scheme. Such a scheme can be defined by a controlled vocabulary, so each topic can be identified by its IRI. However also string labels for topics are supported. A topic classification consists of a single fam:TopicClassification with one of more linked fam:TopicAnnotation. This allows to separate multiple content classification potentially generated by different extractors. In most of the use cases it will however be sufficient to just look for fam:TopicAnnotation instances of a given mmm:Item.

FAM topic classification annotation


          <urn:p> a mmm:Part ; 
            mmm:hasBody <urn:body> ;
            mmm:hasTarget <urn:specres> .

          <urn:body> a fam:TopicClassification ;
            fam:classification-scheme my:ConceptScheme ;
            oa:item <urn:topic1>, <urn:topic2> .

          <urn:topic1> a fam:TopicAnnotation ;
            fam:confidence "0.8" ;
            fam:entity-label "Culture"@en ;
            fam:entity-reference <> .

          <urn:topic2> a fam:TopicAnnotation ;
            fam:confidence "0.7" ;
            fam:entity-label "Music"@en ;
            fam:entity-reference <> .

          <urn:specres> a mmm:SpecificResource ;
            mmm:hasSelector <urn:selector> .

          <urn:selector> a oa:TextPositionSelector ;
            oa:start "0" .

Sentiment Annotation

A Sentiment Annotation describes the sentiment of the document or a selection of the document. The fam:sentiment is expressed by a numeric value with the range [-1..+1], where 0 stands for neutral and higher values indicate a more positive sentiment.

FAM sentiment annotation


          <urn:p> a mmm:Part ; 
            mmm:hasBody <urn:body> ;
            mmm:hasTarget <urn:specres> .

          <urn:body> a fam:SentimentAnnotation ;
            fam:sentiment "-0.120" .

          <urn:specres> a mmm:SpecificResource ;
            mmm:hasSelector <urn:selector> .

          <urn:selector> a oa:TextPositionSelector ;
            oa:start "50" ;
            oa:end "99" .



The following table contains all the namespaces and abbreviations of other ontologies that have been (partly) included or used in the design of the MICO Metadata Model.

mmm documentation
mmmterms specification
fam specification

Lorem Ipsum